Find or create a new topic?

Sometimes a topic you have in mind already exists (but you did not find it, or it is closed, or you cannot write there), or does not fit an existing category.

This is the place to ask for help finding your way around, or propose new topics: @staff will help you orient and find a good place for discussion.

In a Nutshell: DON’T PANIC

New topics not assigned to a specific category will appear in Agora.
Topics can be moved at any time from one category to a more appropriate one.
Topics can be split and merged into more focused discussions and moved accordingly to a more relevant category.

All categories are muted by default. You may join specific groups to track topics and participate in the related conference.


The @PUBLIC group tracks EC Calls to promote free software as public digital infrastructure in Europe.

Working Groups

There are also different private working groups to watch various topics and actively engage with EU Policy. Have a look!

Published Pages

Published pages are readable by everyone on the Internet.
They often summarize previous or ongoing discussion and usually link to existing topics.

We maintain the page tag for logged-in people to easily find published pages.

Can’t find what you want?

You’re welcome to create a new topic.